Agrimonia eupatoria or ’Sticklewort’ as it is commonly known is traditionally used as a medicinal herb as well as a cottage garden plant.
A woody perennial with an erect growth habit, the flower spikes are tall and hence another common name of ‘Church Steeples’. The flowers are fragrant and make a welcome addition to the garden.
The plant is used to produce a yellow dye and was used in a number of traditional herbal remedies.
The essential oils are extracted by distillation and are used in a number of herbal therapeutic treatments. It has also been used as tea or infusion and is said to have a fragrance similar to apricots.
It is still widely used in Chinese medicine.
Agrimony Care
A relatively easy to grow herb, it prefers a position in morning full sun to afternoon shade and a humus rich yet well drained soil.
It will require water through spring and summer in dry climates.
You can grow Agrimony from seeds, although seedling plants are somewhat easier as seeds can be difficult to germinate.
The plant will reach around 60 cm in height, a woody stem with deep green foliage. Yellow flowers on spikes in spring are fragrant with a citrus to apricot perfume. The stems develop a downy appearance and the plant makes an interesting addition to a herb garden or cottage garden.
Harvesting Agrimony
The flowers fade and leave small burs. Leaves are harvested for use as needed, flowers are cut as they begin to open if used for the flower essence.