From the Mediterranean Nectaroscordum species are a little hard to find in Australia. They are related to the Alliums and have highly ornamental flowers. Rare in more than one respect, only one species are in the genus,Nectaroscordum siculum earning itself the common name of ‘Honey Lily’.
These are a perennial bulb and are grown in the garden border as an bulb. They do have the trademark garlic smell especially to the foliage when crushed. However it is the flowers that appear in umbels in summer thatare the main attraction. The flowers may not be a bold as those of its close relatives the Alliums, however many gardeners regard them as being more graceful and we do agree.
The flowers hang in clusters, looking like little bells, mostly ivory and a translucent purple with a touch of green showing through in the centre.
Over recent years Nectaroscordum have been subsumed into the Allium species so what was Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricum is now Allium bulgaricum, we still use the original name.
Nectaroscordum species
- Nectaroscordum siculum – This is the species which is known as the Honey Garlic.
- Nectaroscordum tripedale – A named cultivar from selected seedlings that has been grown in the UK for many years. More flowers in each cluster than others.
- Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricum .
A well drained humus rich soil, full sun to part shade are best for growing Nectaroscordum.
Similar conditions to allium. a well drained soil and a sunny position.
They do grow well in containers and can make an attractive display as the flowers are reasonably long lasting.
Deadhead after flowering but leave the foliage to die right back.
Plant bulbs at around 3 times as deep as the height of the bulb itself. Nectaroscordum will reach around 1m in heigh to plant appropriately f0y best flower display.
Nectaroscordum are available for sale from the following Nurseries.
'Sylvan Vale' 375 Olinda Creek Rd, Kalorama, VIC.3766
Including a large range of Rare and unusual bulbs, corms and perennials