Freesias are a fragrant spring flowering bulb. Although small the freesia bulb with wonderful flowers, the great thing about freesias is that the flowers are magnificent as well as that fragrance.

Freesia Varieties
The varieties that we see for sale are generally classed as :

- Doubles, with two rows of petals
- Giant, taller growing and larger flowers.
- Hardy, these are bred for ‘Mass planting’
Freesias come in a range of colours from pure white through to yellows and purples
Originally from South Africa and require a well drained soil and with around 15 species the modern hybrids are all the result of intensive hybridisation. As they are from a winter rainfall area they are well suited to Australian conditions.
Freesias look great in a massed planting and flowering season is in spring. Look for giant freesias for a huge impact.
How to Plant and Grow Freesias
Freesias prefer a humus rich well drained soil and do not like frosts. They grow well in pots and prefer to be protected from excessive heat.
Plant at around 5cm deep, they will reach a height of 20 – 30 cm. For good display plant 3 – 5 cm apart.
Easy to grow in a cool to temperate climate and will quickly form a clump in the garden. Freesias can be grown in pots or indoors if required. A sunny position and a humus rich moist but well drained soil is ideal for growing freesia bulbs. Best planted in large drifts in the garden for a great display.
As the bulbs show signs of growth in spring its time to fertilize with a specialist bulbs fertilizer, liquid seaweed or other quick release type
- Sunny position
- Well drained soil in the garden or containers, do not over water freesias.
- Plant from autumn to mid winter
- Plant 5cm deep – water in with liquid seaweed fertilizer
- Freesia bulbs do not need to be lifted each year, leave them in the ground and they will come back well each year.
- Freesia flowering time is spring
- Divide freesias every three years as clumps become crowded.
- Water only during dry spring seasons
Further Information
Freesias are named after Frederick Freese, a 19th century German physician. Imperial Giant Freesias are a tall growing variety, great for cut flowers. Double freesias look great when planted in clumps. Plant freesia in late summer early autumn.

Freesia Species
Generally not available for sale in Australia, Freesia species can be grown from seed sourced overseas.
- F. alba. A wonderful white flowering species, easy to grow and fragrant
- F. caryophyllacea. Very fragrant yellow flowering species tinged with gold
- F. corymbosa A variable species with flowers from yellow to pink
- F. fergusoniae A very attractive yellow flowering species
- F. fucata One of the earlier flowering species
- F. grandiflora. This one is a summer rainfall species and it will flower in summer given some moisture, lovely red flowers
- F. laxa Lovely bright red flowers in spring
- F. leichlini Creamy yellow flowers
- F. occidentalis Spring flowering, yellow and white flowers
- F. refract. One of the parents on many modern hybrids
- F. sparrmannii Small mauve flowers, very different to others
- F. verrucosa Another early flowering species generally with attractive simple mauve pink flowers
- F. viridis An interesting plant with small greenish yellow flowers, not widely grown
Freesia bulbs are available for sale from the following nurseries
357 Monbulk Road SILVAN VIC 3795
Guaranteed "garden worthy" bulbs, plants and perennials. Visit the website to browse our large range of daffodils or request the latest free catalogue.
365 Lighthouse Rd Wynyard. TAS 7325
PH 03 6442 2012
email to:
2 Jacksons Hill Rd, Menzies Creek VIC 3159
Hundreds of different varieties of daffodils as well as other beautiful spring & autumn flowering bulbs for home gardeners. Free colour catalogues available. Tulips, Daffodils,Alliums, Freesias, Iris and many other bulbs.
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."