With new foliage that is a deep purple to burgundy before raging to green and tall flower purple flower stems with spikes of pink flowers Eucomis Sparkling Burgundy is an outstanding Pineapple Lily.
This is a spring to summer flowering bulb, star shaped flowers open sequentially along the flower spike. This is a bulb that grows well in full sun both in the ground and in containers. It will die right back to the ground in winter and should be protected from frosts.
Care and Planting
This is an easy care plant in a well drained soil.
You can plant the bulbs in clumps or as single specimens. The same planting technique applies to both garden and pot grown plants.
How to Plant Eucomis Sparkling Burgundy
- Plant bulbs in late winter to early spring.
- The bulbs should be planted around 10 cm (4 inches) deep.
- Use a general purpose potting mix in containers or free draining soil in the garden.
- Place a little slow release fertiliser in the planing hole and cover lightly with soil.
- Plant the bulb and cover wth soil
- Water in well.
- Fertilise each spring with a slow release type fertiliser or organic fertiliser or cow manure as a top dressing.
- Dig and divide every 3 – 4 years.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Eucomis comosa ‘Sparkling Burgundy’
- Origin – South Africa
- Height – 60 – 90 cm (2 – 3 ft) with flower spike.
- Soil – Humus rich and well drained.
- Position – Full sun to a little afternoon shade.
- Moisture – Medium
- Fertiliser – Slow release in spring.
- Propagation – Division
- Pruning – Remove old foliage after it dies back in winter.