Daylilies are one plantbthat can be grown in every state of Austrlalia. Old favourites and new releases are available for sale online in an ever increasing range of colours.
The plants that we commonly know as Daylilies are Hemerocallis varieties. And with some species, and literally 100s of varieties available for sale online the colour range is incredible, ranging from white through to deep purples and multicolour.

Daylily flowers get their common name from the the way that individual flowers only last for one day, however as each stem contains many flowers that open sequentially, they in fact seen to flower for months.
To many gardeners these are a one of the easiest flowering plants to grow. And in a reasonable soil, and good sun you are pretty much guaranteed great flowers. All varieties are easy to grow in Australia, and readily available for sale online. Preferring a well drained sunny position and a slightly acidic soil they are an easy care plant once established.
The classic ‘old fashioned’ Daylily Plant is the orange flowering variety pictured right, they are tough easy to grow and will naturalise into the garden, forming a large clump over time. However their are many more varieties available to todays gardeners.
A very popular garden plant varieties such as ‘Stella Bella’ are a popular hybrid, Green Dragon is another. In terms of flower forms, spider, double, triple and other interesting cultivars are also available. Many daylily growers are hybridising plants with new forms and colours becoming available every year. of this easy to grow plant.
Small or ‘dwarf’ day lily varieties such as ‘Cranberry Baby’ are also available, excellent for the front of the garden border.
Evergreen and Deciduous Daylilies
Some daylilies are evergreen and some are not, some of the varieties that are dormant in winter tend to do a little better in cooler climates, and some of the evergreens prefer warmer climates however remember that daylilies are fairly tough so give them a try.
Planting Daylilies
Daylilies are tough and can generally be planted at any time of the year. A humus rich well drained soil in a sunny position is best. If planting during warmer months water well until established.
Care and Growing Conditions, Watering and Fertilizing Daylilies
Deep watering in spring and summer and the application of a complete fertilizer in spring/early summer will enhance daylily blooms. Mulching can help improve soil and maintain moisture. A huge range of colours, doubles, spiders and even miniatures.Daylily nurseries listed below can provide more specific information.
Growing and Care of Daylilies

Daylilies purchased by mail order should be planted immediately, soak for 4-5 hours in a very dilute seaweed fertiliser. Did in some well rotted manure or compost before planting.
Water in well after planting and water regularly until established, especially in warmer months.
Daylilies can be divided or transplanted in spring. It is best to remove or prune away any old seed pods to promote new flowers.
Daylilies also grow well in pots. Some water saving crystals added to the potting mix will help.
One of the major problems is rust, a fungal disease that is easily spread, easily identifies by the raised yellow to ochre spots on the foliage, often on the underside of the leaf. Yellowing foliage is another sign.
Not flowering, usually this is due to a lack of sun, daylilies love sun, 6 hours a day as a minimum, and the earlier in the day the better. So sun from 8am to 2pm should do it, until 4pm is better.
Daylilies for sale Online in Australia
369 Priestleys Lane, Birralee, Tasmania 7303
Selling Online to all states except WA and NT. Wide range of rust-free Tasmanian grown Daylilies.
Web Site Black Sugarloaf Creek Daylilies
145 Strongs Lane, Lockhart, NSW, 2656
Iris and daylily nursery with over 400 varieties, online shop with colour catalogue and paypal.
'Umbango' 750 Humula Rd, Humula NSW 2652
Phone 0408692773 Great Range of Perennial plants available for sale by mail order.
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."
'Sylvan Vale' 375 Olinda Creek Rd, Kalorama, VIC.3766
Including a large range of Rare and unusual bulbs, corms and perennials
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
Recent releases at competitive prices. Varying sizes, shapes, colours, forms & habit. Drought hardy.
P.O. Box 504 DUNSBOROUGH W A 6281
2009 60 Bells Line of Road, Mount Tomah via Bilpin Blue Mountains NSW 2758
5232 Olympic HighWay – 26kms south of Wagga Wagga The Rock NSW 2655
Over 500 different varieties.
Carey’s Rd Hillville NSW 2430
142 Arnlold’s Rd Byfield QLD 4703
702 Pacific Highway, Belmont South NSW 2280
Latest from America. Huge eyes, widest edges, amazing frills. Mail orders. Large healthy plants.
PO Box 458 Maleny QLD 4552