Naturally a clump forming bulb with interesting curved flowers Cyrtanthus mackenii are commonly called the Ifafa Lily.
They grow well in a sunny position in a well drained soil and are very easy care in these conditions.
The flowers range from white through to lemon yellow and apricot pink. These are a bulb tat will bloom in late spring and sometimes in autumn, all depending on the climate and the appoint of rain they get.
Originally from southern area of Africa the flowers are fragrant and of the genus, this is one of the easiest species of this genus for general garden use. Cyrtanthus obrienii is also worth considering.
How to grow Cyrtanthus mackenii
In warm to temperate climates plant in a position with good morning sun and a little afternoon shade. The bulbs are planted with the necks just above ground level.
For good flowering divide clumps every 3 – 4 years.
Propagation is from offsets, also possible by seed however this is a bulb that is pollinated by moths and you may need to hand pollinate to get seed. Any seed can be sown in spring.
Ifafa, is a small coastal town in KwaZulu-Natal (in South Africa.