The cyclamen that we grow indoors is commonly called the florists cyclamen, this is a winter to spring flowering variety and actual flowering time depends a little on the climate zone.
The species itself is also known as the Persian cyclamen, and it is a frost tender species.
It grows at high elevations from Turkey through Syria and Palestine and hase pleasant fragrant flowers.
Growing Cyclamen Persicum – The Species
If you are growing the actually species ‘Cyclamen persicum’ rather than the hybrid or florist varieties that have been developed you can easily grow it outdoors.
- You will need to grow this wonderful little plant in a position where it will receive a dry summer. In its natural environment it will grow in vast drifts, and on warmer days the perfume is stronger than cooler days.
- Good drainage is essential, so a container outdoors with a gritty open potting mix is ideal. This is a large growing plant, the tubers can reach nearly 6 inches (15cm) across and the flowers do appear on tall stems above the foliage.
- During its summer dormancy, place the container under shelter so it gets no water. Start watering in early spring when the plant first shows signs of new growth, You can fertilise them with a liquid fertiliser during the growing period.
- The best way to water then is to water then thoroughly and then let the growing medium dry out before watering again.
- Repotting will only need to be varied out once every 5 – 6 years.
Flower colour varies from white, often with a pink nose to pink with many shades between. This is just one of over 20 Cyclamen species.
Propagation is from seed which is collected and sown as fresh as possible.
How to Grow Cyclamen Indoors
Cyclamen persicum is available for sale from the following participating nurseries
138 Olinda-Monbulk Rd, Olinda VIC 3788
"Large range of rare and unusual plants.."