Species and Hybrids
Crinum lilies are a varied genus in the amaryllis family and are found from South Africa across to Australia and also in North and South America. It is a little difficult to generalise on such a wide spread genus.
Characterised by large and mildly fragrant flowers, these are a long lived bulb that do best in a permanent position in the garden.
A lily like plant crinums generally prefer a warm climate and a humus rich well drained soil. Generally speaking Crinums do not like frosts and prefer a humus rich, moist but well drained soil. . Crinum pedunculatum is an Australian species sometimes called the ‘Swamp Lily’,
All species resent being transplanted and may sulk and not flower for a year or two.
Crinum species
The best known are probably Crinum mooreii, commonly called the ‘Natal Lily’, and C. mooreii rosea and C. powellii alba, however C. pedunculatum or swamp lily, C. Latifolium, C. flaccidum or Andamooka lily which grows in arid areas of central Australia and only shows itself after heavy rains are also worth seeking out .
Crinum x powellii is a hybrid of C. bulbispermum and C. moorei, both from South Africa.
Crinum zeylanicum is from Sri Lanka and India with ‘Milk and Wine’ being a popular named variety.
The very rare C. calamistratum and C. angustifolium are both fascinating species. Others include : bulbispermum, Crinum lugardiae, Crinum macowanii, and Crinum yemensii.
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