If you are looking for a tough little spring flowering bulb, then Bellevalia could be it and Bellevalia pycnantha with its deep purple flowers is one of the best. The flowers emerge on tall stems and develop a distinct and unusual inky black colour
A very hardy bulb, these are from Turkey and areas around the Mediterranean, Tunisia and Turkey, right through to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
- Bellevalia pycnantha with its large inky deep purple flowers is an outstanding variety. Large tight flower spikes and perhaps the nest of all. Excellent when planted in a container in a group of 8 – 10.
- Bellevalia dubia has paler blue flowers with a touch of gold, the individual bells are held a little loosly on the stem
They handle the heat and do not mind hot summers, so ideal for many Australian conditions. They grow well in containers or can be used in a rock garden.
Looking a little like their close relatives the grape hyacinths, they do require a little more water, perhaps generally a little taller growing and we think just as attractive, some species even more so.
Propagation is from seed or division of larger clumps when dormant.
Bellevalia pycnantha are available for sale from the following nurseries.
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much more.www.lynnsrareplants.com.au