Being from a Mediterranean climate Asphodeline will grow well in many areas of Australia. Tall growing and with yellow starry flowers this is plant for sunny positions. The foliage forms dense clumps and the leaves are a blue green colour, attractive on their own. However it is the tall flower spikes that are the main attraction.
Asphodeline are a drought tolerant perennial from Asia and the Middle East. Easy to grow in a well drained soil in a sunny position. Asphodeline are sometimes known as ‘Kings Spear’
With its spikes of tall yellow flowers reaching over 70cm Asophodline lutea or ‘Yellow Kings Spear’ is a clump forming perennial. Drought tolerant once established this clump forming perennial has flesh blue green foliage.
Another yellow flowering species is Asophodeline liburnica, this one is known as ‘Jacob’s Rod’ and will reach around 1m. The white flowering Asphodeline taurica along with Asphodeline damascena are a little difficult to find in Australia.
Asphodeline plants are available for sale from the following suppliers
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.