Aruncus plants and species
Aruncus are a wonderful group of shade loving plants often referred to as ‘Goatsbeard’. The low growing Aruncus aethusifolius will reach around 30cm and with plumes of white flowers in summer and colourful red autumn foliage is well worth a place in the garden.
Aruncus dioicus is a taller growing species that will reach nearly 2m and with its shows of plume like flowers above ferny foliage goes well at the rear of the garden border.
Aruncus sylvestris and Aruncus sinensis are other species worth looking for.
Aruncus, or Goatsbeard, is used in the garden border in a part shade position.
All species require a moist humus rich soil consider digging in some moisture retentive coco peat before planting. Plants can be propagated by division or grown from seed.
Requiring little care these are an easy plant in the right conditions. Aruncus are actually from the same family as the rose.
- Height 30 cm to nearly 2 metres depending on variety.
- Spread – Clump forming to 2m over time.
- Position – Full sun to part shade.
- Soil – Humus rich and moist.
- Foliage – Deep green.
- Flowers – Plumes of dark cream flowers above the foliage.
- Flowering period – Summer.
Aruncus plants are available for sale from the following nurseries
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much