Aroids, Arums and their relatives plants are actually plants from the Araceae family and include Arum Lillies. With over 3000 species this is a very large and varied group of plants. They are a very interesting group of plants, grown both for the foliage and the flowers, depending on the species.
In general they are shade lovers, however most are very easy to grow.
This fascinating group of plants are identified by the flower structure, most grow from rhizomes or tubers, however not all.
The common feature of the flower is a large sheath like spade, which surrounds an upright spadix which is actually a large mass of small flowers.
Aroids Plant Profile and Growing Hints
Aroids are a diverse group of plants however they are easily distinguished by the combination of a spathe and a spadix in the flower. Aroids are also called ‘Philodendron or Arum’.
Many species are pollinated by flies and the flowers of some aroids give of a foul odour for a short period. However, Aroids have fantastic flowers and some have great foliage, a desirable plant, but plant them away from the back door….
Aroid Varieties
So Aroids include the well known Anthurium and Zantedeschia we also have Amorphophallus titanum a huge lily. Ornamental plants such as Philodendron, Spathiphyllum, Dieffenbachia and Caladium as well as the seldom seen Aglaonema and Helicodiceros
Aroids as House Plants
With bold foliage, and many able to grow well in low light, many of the Aroids make great indoor or house plants.
- Monstera is one of the most well known, large glossy foliage are the feature of this easy care plant.
- Also very well known is the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), they grow well and flower freely indoors.
- Calla lilies are another in the family that will flower indoors with Zantedeschia aethiopica being the easiest.
- Philodenrons with their spectacular foliage including the trailing variety Philodendron scandens or Heartleaf philodendron also work well indoors.
Others to consider are Anthriums, Alocasias, Caladiums, Nephthytis or ‘Podophyllum’, Diffenbacia and what we commonly call the Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema varieties) are also worth considering