Conifer Garden Trees – Landscaping trees -Ground Covers – Hedging Plants
Conifers are really a huge collection of many different types of tree. Over 30 different types of tree fall into the broad category of conifers.
Used widely in landscaping you will find varoieties that work as ground cover plants, others best suited for use as screeing plants and ornamental trees randing from small types to magnificents specimen trees.
Foliage also differs greatly pictured right we have Thuja orientalis commonly called the Bookleaf Conifer for the foliage form.
Conifers are seen as evergreen trees, and to to a huge extent this is true, however deciduous conifers do exist, Ginkgo Biloba being one. We provide a list of Coniferous Trees and links to other information on conifers for the garden and landscaping.
Conifer Trees
The list of trees that we call conifers, is a long one. They range from low growing dwarf species such as Dwarf Conifer Picea abies ‘Little Gem’, to huge trees such as Sequoiadendron giganteum (Giant Sequoia)
Conifers are used widely in the home garden, landscaping, as street trees and in commercial production of timber for building and furniture. Conifers are used a windbreak trees as well as for hedging plants.
Many Hedging Plants are conifers, such as Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’, and Thuja plicatacultivars are some of the most widely used hedging plants available.
Australian Conifer Trees
Australia has its own native conifer trees and these include the Araucacia Pines including Araucacia bidwillii or Bunya Pine, Araucacia cunninghamia or Hoop Pine, Araucacia heterophylla which is the Norfolk Island Pine, Agathis robusta or Queenland Kauri Pine and Callitris columellaris or ‘White Cypress.

Conifers include:
- Abies
- Agathis
- Araucaria
- Arthrotaxus
- Calocedrus
- Cedrus (Ceders)
- Cephalotaxus
- Chamaecyparis
- Cunninghamia
- Cupressus
- Dacrydium
- Gingko
- Glyptostrobus
- Juniperus (Junipers)
- Keteleeria
- Lagrostrobus
- Larix (Larch)
- Metasequoia (Redwood)
- Phyllocladus
- Picea
- Pinus (Pine Trees)
- Podocarpus
- Pseudolarix
- Pseudotaxus
- Pseudotsuga
- Sciadopitys
- Sequoia
- Sequoiadendron
- Taxodium
- Thuga