Garden Arches Arbors and Trellises are a must for the garden and come from simple design to grand archways. Materials and construction techniques are important when selecting a garden arch or trellis if you want it to last. In Australia a range of sturdy long lasting garden arches and trellises are available that will add a touch of style to ant garden.
Garden Arches are not all the same quality. Lightweight and poorly made arches may only survive until the plant they are supporting has become too heavy or too vigorous. Then the arch simply breaks, collapses under the weight of the plant or is blown over.
The sad part is that often the plant is a great favourite or has just begun to really flourish when the arch collapses. The false economy of purchasing the poor quality arch in the first place is now obvious and the old saying “that you get what you pay for”is never more true.
Arches have been developed in response to numerous requests for an unpretentious but well made arch. As the name suggests the design is straightforward with minimal decoration, the emphasis instead being placed on the choice of appropriate steel sections and construction details to ensure that this product will last a lifetime.
Available in both fully welded and bolt together configurations the “Standard” arches come in two standard widths, 120 and 150cm and two standard depth 70 and 100cm. As a minimum the arches are hot dipped galvanized and can also be painted in standard colours.

This does not however mean that there is no scope for variation or adaptations. In particular, the bolt together version can be used to create long enticing archways, as shown in the attached photo, and Brock Metalcraft has produced numerous site specific arches following the same basic “Standard” arch design.
A good example of this is the large archway, in the form of a cross, shown in the attached photo that was built for a customer in South Western Victoria. It even includes extensive scroll work at each of the entrances.
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Garden Arches are available for sale from the following suppliers.
Tait Decorative Iron – PO Box 274, Castlemaine VIC 3450, Australia. Ph: (03) 5472 3569 Fax: (03) 5472
Overwrought 3409 Midland Hwy, Blampied VIC (Near Daylesford) Ph: 0403 675 170
Farmweld PO Box 551, Birdwood SA 5234 Ph: (08) 8568 5433
Shades of Grey Cnr Farnsworth and Brown Streets, Castlemaine, Victoria 3450 Ph: 0409 189 964
Billmans Foundry PO Box 242 Castlemaine, 3450 Victoria, Ph: (03) 5472 4302
The Garden Arch Company (Australian Made plus Australia Wide Delivery) Ph: 03 9763 6760