Syzygium are closely related to Acmena and Eugenia, this is why when we use the common name of Lilly Pilly, instead of the botanical name Syzygium we can get just a little confused.
And remember that not all species are native to Australia in fact only around 10%.
The common name is used for some species of both Syzygium and Acmena. For example S. wilsonii subsp. wilsonii is known as the ‘Powderpuff Lilly Pilly’ while Acmena smithii is commonly known as simply as the ‘Lilly pilly’.
Syzygium Varieties
With about 50 species native to Australia, a fair variety exists, from tropical species to more temperate species.
S. australe is found from QLD down to Southern NSW is a hardy tree and suitable for most states as long as it has a humus rich soil with some moisture.
In the wild S. australe will grow to 25m in height, however compact forms such as ‘Tiny Trev’ have been developed and these are more suitable for hedging purposes with a height of 3m or so depending on conditions.
Pictured above we have the cultivar ‘Orange Twist’, new foliage is a glossy orange turning to mid to deep green as it ages. It reaches around 3m in height and can easily be pruned to a smaller size.
S. paniculatum is known as the ‘Magenta cherry’, or ‘Brush Cherry’ the fruit is used as bush tucker and can be made into jams or chutney.
Popular Cultivars and species include:
- S. australe
- Big red
- Syzygium cascade
- S. floribundum
- Syzygium resilience
- S. paniculatum
- Syzygium bush christmas
- Syzygium hinterland gold
- Syzygium tiny trev
- S. wilsonii
A list of Australian Syzygium varieties with common names.
- S. australe (Brush Cherry or Scrub Cherry)
- S. corynanthum (sub tropical to tropical – Sour Cherry)
- S. crebrinerve (- purple cherry)
- S. fibrosum ( tropical – Rain cherry or Satin Ash)
- S. floribundum (Weeping Lilly Pilly)
- S. fullagarii (Lord Howe Island only – Scaly Bark)
- S. ingens ( – Red Apple)
- S. luehmannii ( Ribery or small leafed lilly Pilly
- S. paniculatum ( syn euginia paniculata – Magenta Lilly Pilly)
- S. papyraceum (- Paperbark Satin Ash)
- S. pseudofastigiatum (tropical – Claudie Satinash)
- S. smithii (syn Acmena smithii – Narrow leafed lilly pilly)
- S. tierneyanum (River Cherry or Bamaga Satinash)
- S. unipunctatum (syn Waterhousia unipuncta)
- S. wilsonii ssp. wilsonii (the Powerpuff Lilly Pilly)
- S. xerampelinum (tropical – Mulgrave Satinash)
Available for sale form the following nurseries
Phone: 0411 435 314
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One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species available, tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of plants.