Delonix regia
If you have been to Brisbane in the summer then you will be familiar with the Poinciana tree (Delonix regia).
With a broad spreading habit it makes an excellent small shade tree in warmer climates. Masses of red flowers in summer are the main attraction besides the shade.
Best planted in an open position where they have room to spread and develop a natural graceful habit. They do need a little room to spread so are best in larger gardens.
A few varieties including orange and yellow flowering types are available, however it is the red varieties that are the most common.
Widely used in Queensland as a shade tree the Poinciana ( Delonix regia) has a wide spreading canopy and is covered in crimson red flowers during summer months.
In cultivation a height of around 8m can be expected, although often smaller. A crown of around 6m and a growth rate that is regarded as medium in good conditions.
Yellow Poinciana – Peltophorum pterocarpum
Although it is a different species Peltophorum pterocarpum, is commonly known as the Yellow Poinciana, also as the Golden flame Tree or Yellow flame tree.
An excellent tree as a feature in a large tropical to sub tropical garden, forming a large rounded trunk over time this is a fast growing tree that can provide a quick fix, in some landscaping situations, the yellow flowers are followed by brown seed pods.
A deciduous tree Peltophorum pterocarpum can be found growing to 25m depending on conditions. In cultivation usually at around 10m sometimes less. Native to the Northern Territory this is a can suffer in high winds however will reshoot if cut back after any damage.
A spreading canopy and can withstand dry conditions. Shade trees are an essential landscape element in every home. Shade trees provide protection for other plants and of course a cooling effect.
Some good specimens can be seen at the James Cook University.
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