The Fried Egg Tree
A wonderful flowering tree, Gordonia plants, especially Gordonia Axillaris will flower when very young.
Lovely white flowers with a bright yellow centre make these plants a stand out in the garden. Gordonias are an evergreen plant originally from China and are actually related to Camellias and Stewartia.
It is Gordonia axillaris that is best know, a medium sized tree that will reach around 5m in height. Over time it forms a nice domed canopy and the combination of lovely glossy foliage and great flowers make this a great garden tree.
G .yunnanense probably has the nicer flowers and with darker foliage really shows of the ‘fried egg’ flowers that appear during spring.
Both are commonly known as the ‘Fried Egg Plant’ these are an upright evergreen tree with the large flowers during early summer.
These are a tree that require a humus rich moist soil to grow well. Mulching around the plants will assist with retaining moisture and maintaining a cool root run.
A general purpose fertiliser can be used in spring, a camellia and rhododendron fertiliser works well.
These are a tree that have a naturally tidy growth habit, so pruning is not generally required.
You can prune these plants to create a semi formal hedge if required.
Landscaping Uses
Gordonia species are being used as street trees in some areas. They are an excellent shade tree for smaller gardens and you can lift the canopy a little by pruning away some of the lower branches if required.
Plant with Rhododendrons, Camellias and similar plants.
Lifting the canopy allows more light into the garden for understory plants as well as easier access for mowing or on parthways.
Species and Cultivars:
The four best known species are:
- G. yunnanense ‘Silk Screen’ – Very good glossy foliage, emerging red and turning to a mid green. Large white flowers in spring. Can be pruned to a hedge or screen.
- G. hainanense – Large shrub to small tree with a slight pendulous look. White flowers with yellow stamens.
- G. axillaris – Gordonia axillaris is know known as Franklinia axillaris but still widely sold as Gordonia axillaris.
- G. lasianthus ( Loblolly bay)
Whats In a name
The name axillaris refers to the flowers growing from the leaf axils, the upper part where the leaf joins the stem.
New growth has good red stems which add to the overall appeal of the plant.
Where To Buy
55 McDougal Rd Neerim South Victoria 3831 PH: (03) 56281507
Advanced ornamental trees and garden designs and concept plans. Direct to your property combined with specialist knowledge and outstanding service.
125 Palmer Rd Jindivick 3818
Open Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Specialising in growing and selling Rare and Unusual Trees, shrubs Perennials Bulbs and Climbers, a unique nursery with amazing stock.