A fuchsia species originally found in South America, Peru, Argentina and surrounding areas. Not found widely in Australian gardens Fuchsia Boliviana is available for sale from specialist and rare plant nurseries. Best suited to a frost free position.
Fuchsia boliviana is characterised by attractive tubular red flowers in late summer followed by small red fruits. This species Fuchsia is fast growing and will reach nearly 2m and grows well in semi shade in a humus rich moist but well drained soil.
F. boliviana ‘Alba’ differs in that its flowers are white with a red tip. Both F. boliviana and Fuchsia boliviana ‘Alba’ can be pruned back heavily in autumn after flowering and will reshoot quickly.
Also look for the desirable F. boliviano Luxurians.
Flowering period for all varieties is from winter through to early summer depending on location.

Landscaping Uses
These are a naturally a tall growing plant to around 2m in height and they are not really very bushy in habit. So grow them at the rear of the garden border, where they can hang over smaller shrubs. Or prune regularly to get a better growth habit.
In a warm sheltered position and with humus rich fertile soil, this is a fuchsia that will flower for many months of the year. It will flower in light shade, however the flowers are better, and more profuse in a sunny position.
- A humus rich moist soil is best, however waterlogged soils are not suitable.
- Best when regularly pruned to maintain a more compact growth habit.
- The best time to prune is after flowering.
- We suggest regular tip pruning to maintain a more compact growth habit.
Propagation is easy from cuttings taken in spring.
Fuchsia Boliviana is available from the following nurseries
125 Palmer Rd Jindivick 3818
Open Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Specialising in growing and selling Rare and Unusual Trees, shrubs Perennials Bulbs and Climbers, a unique nursery with amazing stock.