Used widely as hedging plant or low growing windbreak Duranta repens is popular with landscapers for its easy to prune nature. The best known varieties include the popular ‘Geisha Girl’, wonderful blue flowers in spring and good green foliage year round.

Duranta are a group of small compact shrubs to trees for tropical to semi tropical areas. Originally from Southern Florida D. erecta is commonly known as golden dewdrop, pigeon berry and sky flower. Duranta sheena’s gold and Duranta ‘geisha girl’ are popular cultivars.
D. repens and D. Erecta along with D. ‘Alba’ are the best known species. Duranta are a versatile plant that will grow from the tropics through to temperate regions. D. stenostach and is another species to look at, although not widely grown.
Other Cultivars include: D. Aussie 2000, D. Giesha Girl, D. Lorentzii and D. Blue Cascade
How To Grow Duranta repens
Best areas are tropical to sub tropical regions however will grow well as far south as Sydney and the mid south coast of NSW.
Generally readily available for sale from garden centers in Queensland and Northern New South Wales
Often used as hedging plant in warmer climates.
Duranta Problems
The berries are easily spread by birds, this makes it a weed problem, in Queensland it is listed as invasive in many areas. We would be looking for an alternative plant for most landscapes, maybe try Syzygium australe
Foliage changes color
Usually caused by cold weather or frost, also by mineral deficiency (manganese)
Self Seeding
Some cultivars and species will self seed and become a weed problem.
Berries are poisonous to animals and humans. The plants also develop prickles as they age.