The ‘Katsura tree’
Also known as the Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum is medium sized spreading tree with a range of colors through the seasons. Small pink to red flowers appear on bare wood near the end of winter to early spring, it is then that the foliage takes over.
New growth in spring has a purple color, turning to a light green by the end of spring. In Autumn the foliage puts on a good display of colors, orange red and yellows dependent a little on how cold the Autumn is.
The tree has a fairly shallow root system, often with largish surface roots beneath the drip-line.
Initial growth rate is fast, however after 5 years it tends to slow. Reaching around 8 – 10m in height with a similar spread over 15 – years. One of the interesting features is the fragrance of the foliage in Autumn, reminiscent of caramel, or sugar.
A pyramidical form when young, broadening to a rounded crown as the tree matures. A weeping form is also available Cercidiphyllum japonicum f. pendulum
Widely used as a street tree, in medium strips and for landscaping in commercial projects including car parks. It also make a good shade tree in larger gardens and parks. Although this is a large tree it is also popular in bonsai.
Pruning and Care
Ongoing pruning is generally not required. Good nurseries will have pruned the tree to a good structure before sale.
Not regarded as drought tolerant, so supplementary water may be required during dry summers. Best planted away from paved areas as the root system can lift paths and the like.
Available for sale from the following nurseries
"Propagation and Production of Native and Exotic Trees
with Natural Root Systems from 2 to 2,000 lts."