Weigela are a large deciduous shrub with arching branches that are covered in masses of flowers in spring. Although two species are offered by wholesale nurseries it is Weigela floribunda and its cultivars that are most widely used by landscapers.
W. florida with its wonderful pink flowers, trumpet shaped with a red throat is a favourite form.
A number of varieties are available from nurseries including the variegated form W. florida variegata.
This has the added attraction of the green and yellow foliage. Weigela flower in spring and will reach around 2m in height depending on variety.
Landscaping Uses
Useful in landscaping schemes where a flowering feature plant with good summer foliage if required.

How To Grow Weigela – Basic Care
These are a spring flowering plant and should be planted where the flowers can be appreciated
- Best grown in a sunny position with a little afternoon shade in hotter climates.
- A humus ricg well drained soil is best.
- Plant and water in well.
- Mulch around the plant to suppress weeds and maingtain a cool root run.
- Fertilise each spring and renew the mulch.
Although they prefer a humus rich soil but are a fairly hardy plant that requires little care.
How To Prune
Pruning involves removing old canes every 3 years once established and removing any damaged material, shaping can be carried out as required as required.
The best time to prune is after flowering as Weigela are a plant that flower on the previous years growth.
Weigela Varieties
- W. ‘Looymansii Aurea’ has wonderful pale green foliage, excellent for a more shaded position.
- W. Rosea seems to have deeper pink flowers than some.
- W. ‘Alba’ has white flowers
- W. ‘Eva Rathke’ has deeper pink to red flowers.
- W. ‘Follis Purpureis’ is a lower growing form with deep pink flowers and purple tinged foliage.