One of the most spectacular flowering weeping trees is the Japanese weeping cherry trees. Prunus kiki ‘Shidare Zakura’, Cheals Weeping Cherry ‘ is a popular pink form as is Prunus x subhirtella ‘Pendula Rubra’. Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula Alba’ is a great white flowering cultivars and Nurseries.
Weeping Cherry Trees look great as a feature tree, or if you have the space why not line the driveway with them, an outstanding effect. We show you Mail Order Nurseries, Specialist Nurseries, and Retail Nurseries selling weeping cherry trees.
Weeping Trees Plant Profile and Growing Hints
Weeping cherry trees are a popular ornamental tree grown widely for the well known pink. red to white blossom that appears in spring as well as the attractive pendulous foliage that follows.
Weeping cherry trees are usually grafted specimens and are available in different heights, so dwarf or low growing forms are available. Prunus kiki ‘Shidare Zakura’, Cheals Weeping Cherry is one of the most popular.
When planting a Weeping Cherry Tree consider its final growing size, especially the diameter, provide enough space so that the true form of the tree can stand out in the landscape. Weeping Trees crammed into small spaces usually do not look that attractive.
A smaller growing alternative is Prunus gladulosa, an upright small shrub.
Weeping Cherry Trees – Flowering Weeping Cherry Trees
55 McDougal Rd Neerim South Victoria 3831 PH: (03) 56281507
Advanced ornamental trees and garden designs and concept plans. Direct to your property combined with specialist knowledge and outstanding service.
WINTER HILL TREE FARM Ph: 02 4878 9193 Fax: 02 4878 9109
NSW Southern Highlands
Retail & Wholesale. Advanced trees & hedging. Grown in pots for year-round planting. 45 litre - 1000 litre available. Great range. Great Quality. Delivery available.