Prunus glandulosa, is commonly called The Chinese Bush cherry, Chinese Plum, and Dwarf Flowering Almond. The last name is probably the most accurate, as its not a cherry, or a plum however it is a dwarf flowering shrub.

If you are looking for a miniature or dwarf flowering cherry then this could be the alternative for you. Excellent in small spaces and smaller gardens. You can even grow this on in a container of terrace or balcony.
This is a plant that is popular not only in Japanese Garden Design but also with florists, floral artists, and Ikebana enthusiasts.
From Japan and China this is a plant that is popular in the art of Ikabana, the flowers that appear in early spring are held close to the tall stems. Available in both pink and white flowering forms the flowers may also be double or single.
Easy care and drought tolerant once established it also comes in different flower forms and colours.
Prunus glandulosa ‘Rosea Plena’ is the pink double flowering variety, while ‘Alba Plena’ or ‘Alboplena’ is the double white variety. Single flowered forms are also available.
This is a deciduous suckering shrub, it will reach around 1 metres (4ft) in height with a similar spread. The small green leaves are narrow and lightly toothed and do not provide much in the way of autumn colour.
- Best grown in full sun to a little afternoon shade this is plant that is drought tolerant once established and requires little fertiliser.
- A well drained humus rich soil is best. This is a plant that is disease resistant and worried by many insect pests.
- Mulch around the plant to maintain a cool moist root run
- Pruning is carried out after flowering with stems being cut back by 1/3.
Prunus glandulosa is available from the following nurseries
138 Olinda-Monbulk Rd, Olinda VIC 3788
"Large range of rare and unusual plants.."