A Weigela for foliage and flowers
With purple to bronze foliage and mid to deep pink flowers, Weigela florida Foliis Purpureis is a plant that adds both flowers and foliage to the garden.
Foliage colour does depend a little on position with the colour being more intense where the plant receives more sun.
The flowers are trumpet shapes to around 5 cm long and appear in clusters from spring well into summer.
This is a plant that flowers on long arching canes, so give it a position where it has the room to grow in its natural graceful habit.
Landscaping uses
Excellent in the garden border, either used as a background plant or planted towards the format as a feature to break the lines.
Best grown in a humus rich well drained soil in full sun to a little shade. In warmer climates try for a position with some afternoon shade.
This is a frost tolerant plant and will reach around 1.5 – 2 metres in height with a similar spread.
Mulch around the plant to help retain some moisture through summer.
Best pruned after flowering. Simply deadhead as a tidy up each year. This will keep the attractive arching habit which adds to the appeal of the plant.
After a few years you can prune back some of the oldest canes. Try about 1/3 each year and take them right back to the ground. This promotes strong new growth and better flowering.
Weigela florida Foliis Purpureis is available for sale from the following nurseries
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order