Dwarf Hydrangeas are a great addition to the garden, these smaller growing types are suited to growing in pot or containers. Because they are naturally smaller growing they make a versatile plant in garden design.
We think some of the best smaller growing types are the Oak Leaf hydrangeas although a few Macrophylla types are also suitable.
Final size will depend on soil, climate and other growing conditions.
We look at 7 of the best ‘Dwarf Hydrangeas’
- Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Little Honey’ with its wonderful yellow toned foliage is a small growing variety that will grow and flower in shade.
- Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Sykes Dwarf’ is perhaps one of the best of the smaller growing types. New foliage is green turning to a deep red in autumn and lasting well through winter. It will reach around 1 metre to 1.2 metres in height with a similar spread.
- Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Pia Mina’ reaches around 60cm in height and will spread to around 1 metre across. Dark pink flowers from summer through to autumn. Prune back by 1/3 every 2 – 3 years. This is an excellent dwarf Hydrangea for containers,
- Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Blauer Zwerg’ (‘Lavblau’) is a fairly new release. It will reach around 1 metre in height in an acidic soil the large flowers are an electric blue.
- Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Pee Wee’ has been around for a while. This is a compact growing plant that reaches around 1 metre in height. Large flower heads and that great Oak Leaf Foliage.
- Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Tovelit’ is slow growing and small, to around 1 metre in height. Deep green foliage and deep rose/pink flowers in profusion from spring through summer.
- Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Ruby Slippers’ is probably best described as a compact Oakleaf type Hydrangea. It will reach to 2 metres however is easy to prune to a round 1 metre. Prune back immediately after flowering in summer to keep compact.