Perhaps a little underused in our gardens, Deutzia are an old fashioned plant that is coming back into favour. Flowers vary in colour from white to pink and appear in masses in spring.

Low maintenance, easy care and they provide flowers in shade area, so a very useful plant in many landscaping situations.
This is a group of deciduous shrubs that grow well in full sun to light shade. Attractive flowers in spring and good foliage through summer to autumn.

How to Grow Deutzia – Basic Care and Pruning
Although they will grow in part shade they do like some morning sun, so a sheltered position with a little protection from the hot afternoon sun is best. Growth will be stronger and flowers more prolific in a position with at least good morning sun.
- Choose a position protected from the hot afternoon sun in summer.
- Prepare soil with well rotted compost dug in before planting.
- Plant and water in well.
- Mulch around the plant to maintain moisture and suppress weeds
- Deutzia will flower late spring to summer and
- They are best pruned just after flowering to ensure good flowering the following season.
Climate and temperature
These are a plant that dislike hot temperatures, they thrive in cool and temperate climate zones however are not suited to sub tropical areas or a position with high humidity.
Although they will flower in light shade, they bloom more profusely where they get at least good morning sun. Very hot afternoon sun is not suitable.
These are a plant that trive in a humus rich well drained soil. We suggest building up the soil with good amounts of aged compost and some aged cow manure.
Adding mulch around the plant each spring will help improve the soil as well as maintain a cool moist root run. Mulch also improves microbal activity in the soil.
Apply a slow release organic type fertiliser each spring before you renew the mulch. Water before and again after applying the fertiliser.
These are a fairly neat plant and most varieties require little pruning. Remove any dead wood as it appears at any time. Light pruning after flowering is the best way to maintain a bushy growth habit.
The taller growing varieties with long canes are pruned differently. Old canes are removed a few at a time each year when the plant is in dormancy. This encourages good new growth and keeps the plant looking healthy.
Landscaping Uses
Varieties such ad D.Magicien make great feature plants, others are better suited as background plants in the garden border. Smaller growing types can be grown in containers in courtyards or on patios.
Deutzia Varieties
Species such as D. gracilis and D. scabra are fairly easy to grow, tolerating a wide range of growing conditions.
D. gracilis Nikko is commonly called the ‘Slender Deutzia’.
A medium shrub “Deutzia x hybrida pink pompom” produces dense heads of double pink flowers which then change to white, well worth a place in the garden. Deutzia Magicien reaches around 2m with lovely pink flowers.
We like them for the flowers which have a slight fragrance and the easy care nature of the plants.
‘Pink Pom Pom’ is commonly called the slender Deutzia, the flowers are rounded and pink as the name suggests.
Deutzia x kalmiflora has bright white flowers emerging from pink buds, the flowers are edged with pink.
Propagation is from semi – hardwood cuttings taken in late summer. Use a hormone rooting powder to improve strike rate.
Keep the plants in a protected position over winter for best results.
Deutzia are available for sale from the following nurseries and growers
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
Little Hampton, Vic 345
"Mail order nursery specialising in cottage garden perennials, flowering shrubs, Trilliums, Hostas and Pacific Coast Iris. Flat rate express postage - Except WA & TAS"