Rhipsalis ramulosa – The Red Rhipsalis
A trailing plant with foliage that turns a better red the more sun that it gets, Rhipsalis ramulosa is an excellent plant for a hanging basket.
Also known as the Red Rhipsalis, and botanically as Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa this is an epiphytic plant that has flattened stems that branch freely. Sometimes called the Mistletoe Cactus and also known as Hariota coriacea and Rhipsalis angustissima, amongst other names a well grown specimen is a very attractive plant.
In its natural environment, which includes Costa Rica and nearby areas this plant grows as a sprawling ground cover plant
In good conditions Rhipsalis ramulosa will trail to nearly 1m from a hanging basket or from a position in a tree.
Small white flowers in summer are fairly inconspicuous and are followed by more prominent small white rounded berries. The berries can be collected as they ripen to harvest seed for propagation if desired.
Best treated as a tender perennial, Rhipsalis ramulosa will not survive frosts, and is usually grown as an indoor plant except in warmer climates.
This is an easy care house plant, it thrives in dappled shade, although it does appreciate some sun for a part of the day. Humidity is important so a little light misting every second day will assist with growth.
Propagation is easiest from cuttings, however it is possible from seed as well.