Unusual in that the flowers are a deep purple to roses red color, Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’ makes a good specimen plant.
Sometimes called the ‘Royal Flush’ Split Rock, the body of the plant is a deep red to purple in colour and has the usual dark spots over the surface.
Coming from the Karoo region of South Africa, the spots on Pleiospilos are said to act as disguise as they help the body of the plant blend in with the surrounding rocks.
This is a species that will flower in late winter to spring, the flowers will open on warm sunny days usually as the intensity of the sun increases in the afternoon.
For a mesemb, Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’ is in the large side. It can reach around 3 inches in height (7 cm) with slightly larger spread.
The flowers are best described as daisy like, purple to rose red with a white centre which becomes apparent as they open fully.

How to Grow Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’ – Basic Care
Being from a a very dry arid area the must have very good drainage to survive. They also need a good amount of sun through the day.
Dry summers and winters are the rule. Just little water during the other two seasons, and always allow the soil to dry between waterings.
- A free draining potting mix is essential, and a little water regularly through the period of active growth is also important.
- Active growth occurs between the end of summer to spring.
- As soon as the summer temperatures begin to drop significantly its time to begin watering.
- Good air flow and low humidity are also required as is good sun.
- Although often grown as an indoor plant like most Pleiospilos species it is best grown outdoors under cover.
Further Notes:
The ‘Royal Flush’, ‘split rock’ will actually split apart and a new pair of leaves will appear.
The old leaves should be left to dry out as the new leaves absorb the water from them.
So don’t get fooled into thinking the plant needs water as the old outer leave begins to shrivel up.
The flowers are yellow and will open on sunny days after a few hours of warmth, and close again at night.
In very hot climates Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’ can receive too much sun and this will cause the leaves to turn a brownish purple colour. In this situation a little afternoon shade in summer may be recommended.
Although often grown as an indoor plant like most Pleiospilos species it is best grown outdoors under cover.