One of the many Echeveria and Pachyphytum hybrids, Pachyveria ‘Powder Puff’ has wonderful powdery blue foliage, red tips and flowers with orange and red to add to the overall look.
Summary Description
- Grows in full sun to a little afternoon shade
- Usual wet/dry cycle of watering as for most Echeveria and Pachyphytum species.
- A free draining potting mix is essential.
- Will reach around 15cm (6 inches) in height with a spread or width of 15cm (6 inches).
- Ideal temperature range is 18°C to 24°C ( 65° – 75°F) Try to avoid daytime temperatures below 10°C (50°F ) and avoid frosts and freezes.
- Propagation is generally from leave cuttings or by division as the plant forms clumps.
- Regarded as as non toxic to dogs and cats.
- Dormancy is in summer.
Pachyveria ‘Powder Puff’ Detailed Care

This is a hybrid between Echeveria cante and Pachyphytum oviferum.
As a rule – good morning sun and good filtered afternoon sun. In cooler climates more afternoon sun, in very hot climates less afternoon sun. To much sun means leaf burn, lack of sun means lack of colour in the leaves.
Soil/Potting Mix
A free draining cactus and succulent mix is best. Youb can use a regular potting mix with extra drainage material mixed through. Watering is the key to the potting mix.
A wet/dry cycle is recommended, water well and then allow the soil to dry before watering again. The amount of time between watering depends onthe temperature as well as the potting mix.
Choose the right pot
Choose a pot that is jjust large enough to hold the plant. Smaller pots mean less soil and therefore less moisture around the roots. Look for pots with large drainage holes.
Althoiugh succulents do not require a lot of fertiliser, a little slow release fertiliser after flowering can be beneficial.