An excellent small succulent for hanging baskets, Othonna capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’ is fast growing and easy care. It has small elongated foliage on long trailing stems that are said to look a little like small beans, and to add to the appeal the stems are a purple colour.
This is a plant that like to trail, it will only support itself to around 5cm in height, however it will trail down for around 50cm in ideal conditions.
Small yellow daisy like flowers appear mainly in spring, however this oil plant that will flower almost year round.
The foliage will vary a little in colour depending on the season, in cooler months it takes on a purple hue, in warmer months it is green.
Best grown in a hanging basket where its trailing nature is on show, this is a plant that requires a well drained soil or potting mix. These are a summer dormant plant, and therefore less water in summer is best.
Try a position where the plant will get good sun with perhaps a little shade on hot afternoons.
As the weather cools a little, Othonna capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’ will spring into life and this is the time to fertilise and water.

This is a very easy plant to propagate from stem cuttings taken from spring to summer. Also possible from leaf cuttings and division
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Othonna capensis
- Common Name – ‘Ruby Necklace’ Succulent
- Position – Full sun to a little shade.
- Soil – Very well drained.
- Height – To around 5 cm (2 inches)
- Spread – Will trail to 30 cm over time.
- Flowers – Small yellow flowers on purple stems.
- Flowering Time – Spring to year round
- Foliage – Mid to deep green, bean shaped.
- Frost tolerant – No.
- Drought tolerant – Yes.
Ruby Necklace succulents are available for sale from the following nurseries
Specialist succulent grower with a large range of Echeveria and other succulent genera, including rare and unusual varieties for the collector.
Online Retail Sales www.succulents-australia-sales.com