Unusual because of its opaque green to yellow leaves Lithops bromfieldii var. sulphurea is a variety from Japan. The more usual brown tones have been bred out of this plant, making it one of the most sought after by collectors.
This is a slow growing variety, however over time it will form a good clump. Typical daisy like yellow flowers appear in late summer. This is also a slightly taller growing variety than many others so control of watering is very important.
Over watering will cause the plant to turn a more vivid green, however it also causes this variety to stretch.
It makes a great specimen plant planted in a container with a light coloured gravel to contrast the foliage. This is as easy to grow as other Lithops if you follow a few simple steps.
Growing Conditions
- Growing Medium
You will need to ensure that the growing medium or soil mix has excellent drainage. Use a general purpose succulent mix with around 40% extra coarse stone or pumice mixed through. - Light
Light is really important for all Lithops. A good 6 hours each day of bright light with some direct sun. This does not mean full afternoon sun in warmer climates as this can cause burning. - Watering
When in active growth (Spring through Summer), a deep watering every 10 days should be suitable. In winter, Lithops need to be kept fairly dry. - Fertiliser
If you repot each year, and you should, an application a slow release fertiliser such as Osmocote should be sufficient.
How to grow Lithops bromfieldii var. sulphurea
- You will need a pot that is around twice as deep as the root system on the plant. Lithops send down a tap root and this need room to grow. A good drainage hole is essential.
- Place some mesh over the drainage hole to prevent the growing medium from falling through.
- Half fill the pot with a free draining cactus and succulent mix with extra drainage material mixed through.
- Place a little slow release fertiliser on top of this layer of soil.
- Gently place the plant in the container, backfilling around with the soil mix.
- Do not water for 7 – 10 days
- Water well after 7 – 10 days
General Care Information.
The main problem that occurs is overwatering, usually this is because of poor driving pots or potting mix.
The growing medium MUST be allowed to dry between waterings.
Humid condition are a second factor, good airflow is essential.
The variety pictured is believed to be lithops bromfieldii v. insularis ‘sulphurea’ c 362. A number of forms are available all with differing foliage colours.