Lithops aucampiae or Aucamp’s living stone, named after Juanita Aucamp who found one of the first specimens.
Like most Lithops, this is a varied speciess with varieties such as L. aucampiae var. euniceae, L. aucampiae var. fluminalis, L. aucampiae var. koelemanii.
Named varieties include Bettys Beryl, Bella Ketty, Rudesheim Ruby, Jackson Jade, Fire Brandt, Storms Snowcap, Kuruman, Koelemanii and others.
L. aucampiae has a variable pattern and colour in the window, which is the top surface of the plant. Flowers are yellow although some cultivars such as Storms Snowcap have white flowers.
The patterned window is generally reddish brown with deep olive green markings. This is a larger growing variety than many with the head reaching 4 cm across in many instances.
In good growing conditions only the very top of the plant will be visible, if the stem elongated the plant could be stretching for light or overwatered.

How to Grow Lithops aucampiae
- As for most Lithops varieties, this is a plant that requires a very well drained potting soil and good light.
- A position in full sun to a a little afternoon shade in warmer climates is best.
- Watering during dormancy should be minimal.
- Only a pinch of fertiliser once a year is required.
Along with Lithops lesliei this is species that comes from a higher rainfall area than many.
L. aucampiae can be propagated from seed or by natural division.