Lapidaria margaretea is the only species in its genus, which make sit one of the more unusual succulents.
It is closely related to both Dinteranthus and Lithops and is a small growing or dwarf species.
This is a very attractive plant with a fascinating leaf structure and brilliant yellow flowers, commonly called the Karoo Rose. The term ‘Karoo’ meaning a marginal desert or semi desert area in Africa
Basic Care
This is a plant that makes an interesting specimen and is easy to grow if you follow basic care techniques.
- Watering and Growing Medium
Start by looking at pot size, choose a pot that is only slightly larger than the plant itself. This limits the amount of growing medium and therefore cut back on the moisture available.
Use a very free draining potting mix, pumice, akadama, scoria and other crushed rock mediums are excellent.
When deciding how often to water use the leaves as a guide, wait until the lower leaves begin to wrinkle a little and then water well.
As a general rule, water no more often than every 2 – 3 months. - Lighting
Although they are a plant tat like direct sun they do need protection from the hot afternoon sun in summer. Indoors grow them near a sunny window, however not too close as to have the leaves burn on very hot days. - Fertiliser
A little fertiliser when repotting is all that is generally required.
Lapidaria margaretea Life cycle
Lapideria seems to have two dormant seasons, first during the heat of summer, and secondly during the cold of winter. Most growth is during spring and autumn/fall. Flowering cycle is usually in early winter.