One of the easy care indoor plants Haworthia fasciata is commonly called the “Zebra Plant”.
The common name comes from the horizontal white bumpy stripes that contrast with the green foliage.
It makes a good indoor plant because it naturally grows in part shade, beneath taller shrubs.
It also has low water requirements and is relatively disease and pest free.
The root system is large for such a small plant and it is best grown in a tall pot to accommodate this. Good drag is essential, so choose a pot with large drainage holes and preferably one that has ‘feet’ so it is rebased to allow good airflow.
General Care
You can use a normal cactus and succulent potting mix wit some added drainage material. We suggest adding 30% – 50% perlite, pumice or scoria to improve drainage.
- Watering
Only water when the potting mix ix dry. Water deeply and allow the pot to drain thoroughly. In summer, hold back a little on watering as this is the natural dormant period. - Fertiliser
A pinch of slow release fertiliser when repotting or once a year is generally adequate. - Re-Potting
Over time Haworthia fasciata will produce offsets or pups and form a clump.
Wait until the offsets reach a good size and then they can be divided when repotting.
The best time to report is in spring, gently remove the offsets ensuring that each one has a good root system and repot.
Wait one week after repotting before watering.
Whats the difference between Haworthia fasciata and Haworthia attenuata ?
Firstly Haworthia attenuata is now called Haworthiopis attenuata. The visible difference is in the foliage.
H.fasciata has a smooth upper surface on its leaves and ‘Bumps’ or tubercles on the lower side while Haworthia attenuata has Bumps’ or tubercles on both the upper and lower sides of the leaves.