A naturally small growing succulent, Euphorbia enopla is branched with green ribbed foliage and interesting re spines.
The spines form along the ridges on the stems and this is an attractive species that makes a good specimen plant.
This is not a frost tolerant plant and needs to be protected from cold temperatures.
How to Grow Euphorbia enopla – Basic Care
Best grown in container this is a species that requires a free draining potting mix.
- Use a specialist cactus and succulent potting mix. This will help ensure good drainage. Adding a 25% scoria or pumice to the potting mix will help ensure good drainage.
- A little slow release fertiliser once a year is adequate.
- Position the plant in full sun with little protection from the hot afternoon sun in summer.
- Water only when the growing medium has dried out. This will help to avoid root problems. During winter dormancy, hold back on watering.
Possible from seeds or by division of established clumps. When handling wear protection . This is because the plant has a sap that is an irritant to both skin and eyes.
The offsets or ‘pups’, these can be carefully removed, allowed to callus over and then set into its new pot with the same free draining potting mix.
Like all Euphorbia species Euphorbia anoplia contains a white sap that is an irritant and can cause allergic reactions.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Euphorbia enopla
- Common Name – Pincushion Euphorbia, Euphorbia enopla Cactus
- Family – Euphorbiaceae
- Height – To 1 metre, usually smaller in cultivation to around 30 cm
- Spread – To around 50 cm across over time
- Growth Rate – Slow
- Flowers – Yellow on the male species, red on the female species.
- Flowering Time – Spring
- Soil – Well drained
- Position – Full sun to part shade.