One of the best variegated succulents, featuring powdery blue leaves with a white leaf margins and Echeveria subsessilis variegated makes a great feature plant.
The full name should be Echeveria desmentiana subsessilis variagata, and two forms are a available, a white form and a yellow form.
Over time this is a plant that will reach around 12 cm (6 inches) across and as it grow it will put out offsets or pups.
Like many variegated plants the offsets are not always the same colour as the parent plant. A well cared for specimen looks great when grown in a decorative container and you can grow Echeveria subsessilis variegated indoors for periods of time.
Again like most succulents this is a plant that needs good light to grow to a good form. In deep shade ir indoors in low light the foliage tends to elongate or stretch and the colour is not as intense.
Growing Indoors

Although this a plant that can be grown indoors it does require good light and will benefit from some times outdoors every few weeks where possible.
Indoors you need to keep the humidity low to prevent fungal problems. Provide good airflow and water as the soil dries out.
Echeveria subsessilis Care Tips:
- Free draining growing medium.
- Pot with good drainage holes
- Water when soil dries out
- Re – pot every two years
Fertilise when repotting - Protect from frosts and cold winds
- Provide good airflow to reduce humidity
- Good light is essential – protect from very hot sun