A small low growing succulent with brilliant foliage Echeveria pulvinata ‘Ruby’ is a stemmed plant with the rosettes forming on the stems.
The leaves are a mid green with a silvery indumentum (coverage of fine hairs) and in colder months develop intense red on the leaf tips and margins.
The flowers are small, yellow to orange in colour and appear in late winter.
How to Grow Echeveria pulvinata ‘Ruby’
This is an easy care Echeveria species given a free draining growing medium and good light.
- Soil – Use a specialist succulent potting mix. Repot every 3 years.
- Watering – Always allow the soil to dry between watering.
- Fertiliser – A pinch of slow release fertilise r when potting is sufficient.
- Pruning – Remove old dead foliage as it appears to help prevent fungal problems.
You may with to shorten the stems as they develop, simply cut the stem with the foliage on it, leave to dry for 2 days and them repot. Do not water for 1 week.
Echeveria pulvinata ‘Ruby’ Propagation
Usually by leaf cuttings sometimes by offsets.
Summary Information
- Botanical/ Scientific Name – Echeveria pulvinata ‘Ruby’
- Common Names – Chenille Plant, Echeveria ‘Ruby’
- Family – Crassulaceae
- Soil – Well drained
- Position – Full sun to part shade in summer/
- Height – 15 cm (12 inches)
- Spread – Clump forming over time to 39 cm (24 inches) plus
- Foliage – Green rosettes with red tips and edges.
- Flower – Orange to red on a tall stem
- Flowering Time – Winter to Spring.
- Temperature range – 10C (50F) to 25C (78F) best at around 25C (78F)