If you are looking for a bright cheery variegated succulent then, Echeveria Jippon Moon River is one of the best.

Originally from Japan, this is a very attractive variegated succulent with pale green and yellow to white variegated foliage. The best forms will have near white leaf margins with a pale green mid rib.
The leaves are broad with a slight undulation with leaf mains being white. In the cooler months some red colouring can be visible in the form of lines in the leaves.
Being a fairly stable variegate this is one is fairly easy to grow,
- Try not to water the foliage.
- You can water from below by soaking, or use a fine necked watering can to water below the foliage itself.
- DO NOT over water, always allow the soil to dry between watering.
- Fertilise twice a year however only a little fertiliser each time.
- Repot every 3 – 4 years and remove pups as they become large enough.
- As the plant grows taller, over 3 – 4 years it will benefit by being head cut to shorten the stem.
- We suggest using a topping of fine rock to lift the plant above the soil level.
- Use pots with large drainage holes, preferably with ‘feet’ to lift them above benches or tables. This improves air flow and drainage.

Propagation and pruning
Propagation is from pups with a good percentage holding the good variegation, the degree of variegation can differ, so selected forms are the best.
Marks on leaves
You may notice some marks on the foliage over winter, as well as a few of the older leaves dying off, usually the lower leaves and this is normal.
The marks are normal on these paler variegates especially over winter, the old dead dry leaves can be removed when they come away from the plant easily.
Echeveria Plants are available for sale from the following participating nurseries
Specialist succulent grower with a large range of Echeveria and other succulent genera, including rare and unusual varieties for the collector.
Online Retail Sales www.succulents-australia-sales.com