An outstanding hybrid between E. agavoides ‘Prolifera’ and E. colorata, Echeveria agavoides ‘Frank Reinelt’ is a rosette forming succulent with excellent leaf colour.
Bred by Frank Reinelt in California, this is a hardy succulent that copes with hot dry conditions as well as cold.
The individual leaves are pointed and the colour ranges from a powdery blue green through to brilliant red.
The red colouring is intensified as cooler weather comes around with the leaf tips being a really deep burgundy turning to a brilliant red and then the blue green closer to the leaf base.
Care and growing Conditions
Like most echeveria varieties, Echeveria agavoides ‘Frank Reinelt’ is best grown in good sun, this is required touring out the colours. Good light also helps the plant maintain a more compact growth habit.
- You will need a container that has good drainage and does not retain moisture.
- A very free draining potting mix is also essential. A growing medium with good amounts of material such as gravel, pumice and perlite is essential.
- Watering should only be carried out when the growing medium has completely dried. This is they time to water deep with from avr, avoiding the foliage, or by watering from below.
- Protect from frosts and freezes by bringing indoors or under cover.
- A little slow release fertiliser when repotting is general sufficient.
An important factor in getting the best colour in this and many other echeverias is the amount of light they receive.
Frank Reinelt needs good sun yo get the brilliant reds that it is renowned for. Very bright filtered light is the minimum requirement. Full sun is best, however this does depend on the climate zone. In hotter climates, to much sun can result in leaf burn.
Always allow the soil to dry between watering. During dormancy, autumn through winter, reduce watering. Watering can increase growth rate, however it can also lead to less colour.
Propagation of Echeveria agavoides ‘Frank Reinelt’
Propagation is from offsets and also by headcuts. This is not an easy plant to propagate from leaf cuttings.