Allow growing succulent that can be used as a ground cover plant, Delosperma echinata is commonly called the Pickle Plant.
Small green oblong leaves covered in fine hairs look a little like Pickles, hence the common names.
Yellow flowers in summer are attractive and the hairs on the foliage collect dew and will sparkle in the morning light.
This is a variety of Delosperma that will grow well in containers as well as in the dry garden.
Choose a pot with good drainage holes, or well drained soil in the garden.
Watering needs to controlled, once every 1 – 2 weeks in summer. Wait for the soil to dry before watering.
In winter, outdoors in the garden, no additional water will be required in most climates.
In continuers after every 3 – 4 weeks.
Delosperma echinata Care Tips:
- Free draining growing medium.
- Position in full sun to a little afternoon shade.
- Pot with good drainage holes
- Water when soil dries out
- Re – pot every two years
- Fertilise when repotting
- Protect from frosts and cold winds
- Indoors provide good airflow to reduce humidity
- Good light is essential – protect from very hot sun
- Brown soft foliage – Usually caused by owerwatering
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Delosperma echinata
- Common Names – Pickle Plant
- Origins – South Africa
- Light – Full sun to a little shade depending on the climate
- Soil – Well drained.
- Height – Depending on variety to around 35 cm (1.5ft)
- Growth Rate – Medium
- Foliage – Rounded green stems of foliage.
- Flowers – Small yellow flowers in summer.
- Fertiliser – A little slow release fertiliser and some lime when repotting