Anacampseros plants and Species
A small low growing succulent anacampseros is originally from South Africa and needs a warm climate, but not really hot afternoon sun, anacampseros are ideal for growing indoors where you will be rewarded with largish ‘wheel shaped’ flowers. A well drained succulent potting mix is best for these.
Attractive deep green foliage is characteristic however these are a varied species. Although flowering is in summer, it is not unusual for a few flowers to appear at other times, particularly when grown indoors in good conditions. The flowers do need light and warmth to open properly, so if the flowers are ‘staying shut’ move the plants to warmer, sunnier position, but not hot sun.
These are a typical succulent and do require a well drained potting mix, leave to dry out between watering. Use a general purpose slow release fertilizer and repot every 3 – 4 years.
Easy to grow, and an excellent choice for a container, or grow them in a sunny position in a rock garden.
Species include Anacampseros arachnoides, Anacampseros telephiastrum or ‘sunrise plant’ and Anacampseros retusa all are succulents that do well in rock gardens or containers.