The unusual Alluadia or Alluaudia are a deciduous spikey, tall growing succulent tree, really one for collectors. Needs lots of light and warmth to do well. Common names include ‘Madagascar Ocotillo’ and ‘African Ocotillo’.
Originally from Madagascar, Alluaudia procera is the most commonly grown species. They grow in very dry areas and will form dense clumps over time. In cultivation they are usually grown in containers as specimen plants. Some species can reach 8 – 10 m in height, covered in spikes they are a deciduous plant that will drop their foliage during long dry periods as a way of preserving moisture.
These are a very slow growing and long lived plant with specimens recorded at over 100 years old. Some species are endangered in their native habitat, mainly from harvesting for building materials and to use to burn for charcoal.
A number of species can be found in the succulent garden at the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne, and indication that they can cope with cooler winters than is thought.
Alluadia Care
Try growing Alluadia in containers using a free draining succulent potting mix. Best in full sun they require little care and will provide a structurally fascinating addition to any garden or patio.
Species and varieties
Alluadia , species include.
- Alluaudia procera.
- Alluaudia montagnacii.
- Alluaudia ascendens.