An attractive clumping succulent with green rose shaped flowers Aeonium aureum is commonly called Green Rose Buds.
This is a fascinating plant that puts on its best show in winter when the heads of foliage open out to form a green rose like rosette.
As summer comes around the foliage pulls back to a tighter clump. This is also the time when the plant is in dormancy
This succulent from the Canary Islands and are naturally summer dormant, you can keep them looking a lot better by giving them some shade through the hot summer months.
A little are water in the winter to spring period of active growth.
- Use a well drained cactus and succulent potting mix.
- Plant at the same level as the plant was in the container.
- Water in well immediately after planting.
- A light mulch of small pebbles can be placed over the soil surface.
- Water only when the growing medium begins to dry.
Repot into new potting mix every 3 years, removing as much as possible of the old mix.
All varieties are now classed as Aeonium, however are still widely referred to by the old classification.
- Greenovia aurea
- Greenovia diplocycla (more rounded foliage than aurea)
- Greenovia diplocycla var gigantea (a larger form as the name suggests)
- Greenovia dodrantalis
A pink form is also available although very rare. Other varieties will show shades of pink when under stress from lack of water or cold temperatures.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Aeonium aureum (syn Greenovia Aurea)
- Common Name – Green Rose Buds. Rose succulent.
- Family – Crassulaceae
- Position – Part sun with a little afternoon shade in summer.
- Soil – Well drained.
- Height – To around .2 metres
- Spread – To around .4 metres as a clump.
- Flowers – Bright yellow
- Flowering Time – Spring to summer
- Foliage – Mid green and rose shaped
- Frost tolerance – Medium to light frosts only.
- Drought tolerance -Yes
Available for sale from the following nurseries
Specialist succulent grower with a large range of Echeveria and other succulent genera, including rare and unusual varieties for the collector.
Online Retail Sales www.succulents-australia-sales.com