Wood fired pizza ovens – Outdoor Pizza Ovens
Outdoor cooking is a fantastic trend in Australia and Outdoor or Wood Fired Ovens are providing an exciting addition to outdoor cooking possibilities. Most wood fired pizza ovens are built using refractory bricks or ‘fire bricks’, a special brick designed for use in ovens.
With both DIY wood fired oven kits and complete wood fired pizza ovens available for sale that are suitable for use not only as pizza ovens, but for roasting, as a BBQ alternative and for smoking or cooking fish as well a baking bread. Wood fired ovens can cook a lot more than pizzas.
Wood fired pizza ovens – plans, kits and for sale
Wood fired ovens are available as fully installed factory made ovens, DIY wood fired pizza oven kits or you can make your own from pizza oven plans if you are looking for a cheap alternative.
Before installing a wood fired oven it is essential that you contact your local council to make sure you are complying with any building regulations. Contact your insurance company as well to make sure that you are complying with their conditions and regulations.
Wood fired pizza ovens can cook a pizza in as little 90 seconds. Roast, vegetables and bread can also be cooked in a wood fired oven.
Most wood fired ovens take 1- 1/2 hours to reach full heat and fuel selection is important. Use a seasoned hardwood, (low moisture content). Soft woods such as pine and other conifers tend to leave a residue on the interior of the oven.
Treated pine, painted stained or similar treated woods SHOULD NOT be used in wood fired pizza ovens as they release toxic fumes.
DIY Kit wood fired oven kits
Usually pre-cast constructions consisting of a dome, reinforced steel door or entry, fire brick base and stainless steel flue. Usually you need to construct a base or stand to mount the oven on and instructions and guidelines should be provided.
Outdoor pizza oven kits should come with all fire cements and renders required. Council and building regulation guidelines need to followed when installing a DIY wood fired oven
Consider size when purchasing a DIY pizza oven. Big is good, but only if you will use the size, small is efficient, but not much use if you entertain large groups.
Outdoor Pizza Oven Plans
Its interesting that many people are looking for good plans for an outdoor pizza oven. We have done a little research into outdoor pizza oven plans and have come up with one site that seems to know what they are doing. OZARK DREAMS. Includes plans for an outdoor wood fired pizza oven including instructions on how to make the Base (Foundation), Oven Chamber Base, Oven Chamber Top, Cladding install the Chimney, Insulation and Finishing.
Both DIY Kit form Pizza ovens and fully installed pizza ovens are readily available in for Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin. Materials for constructing a pizza oven can be obtained for most good hardware stores, firebricks and cements from specialist suppliers.
Wood Fired Pizza Ovens For Sale
Unit 40, 65 Marigold Street Revesby NSW 2212
phone: 02 9792 4999 fax: 02 9792 4977
Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens offers a large range of wood fired ovens throughout Australia. There are several different models and various sizes to choose from, suiting any budget, lifestyle or setting.
More Outdoor Cooking Solutions
Outdoor cooking (outdoor ovens and barbecues) are extremely popular both for entertainment activities and everyday eating. What better place to cook and eat than in the garden or on a patio.
The Best Barbecue of all
If you are serious about having the best barbecue possible then take a look at the Souther Cross Smokers offset grill and smokers. They will do more than produce the perfect barbecue they can also be used to roast meat, grill and also as a smoker.
These outdoor, smoker / grill / barbecues come from large sizes that would suit commercial use right down to the smaller sizes that will neatly fit onto a patio or even a balcony.
So if you are looking for the best barbecue and grill try chasing down one of these.
Other outdoor cooking styles
The ever popular and versatile barbecue has been made even more so with the addition of outdoor rotisseries and wok burners.
New additions to the world of outdoor cooking include
- Teppanyaki BBQ
- Braziers
- Fire pits
- Outdoor grills including the offset grill and smokers such as the Yoder smoker.
A few of the alternatives to the traditional barbecues are available from the following suppliers