A common problem on many plants Powdery Mildew affects Zucchinis, Pumpkins and Tomatoes and these are just a few.
This is a fungal disease caused by warmth and moisture and it not only looks bad, it can kill the plants. Another problem is that is can kill those beneficial insects such as bees that pollinate plants.
Organic solutions can be effective and milk is one that has been proven to work. Milk has antibacterial properties and organic milk is the best.
How to Control Powdery Mildew Using Milk
You do need to make a dilute solution and hear is a simple recipe. Adding more milk will not make it more effective, too mulch milk can cause black spot and other problems.
- Mix 1 part milk to 9 parts water is a common mixture.
- Spray it one immediately, it rends to lose its mildew fighting properties if left to stand overnight.
- Spray once a week, both the tops and undersides if the foliage.
- The best time to spray is on a warm sunny day.
The Baking Soda Solution
You can also use a dilute baking soda to help prevent the problem. 1 teaspoon to 1 litre (1 quart) is often recommended.
Prevention of Powdery Mildew
Although it is not possible to totally prevent it, the risk of powdery mildew can be minimised using the following guidelines.
Consider that the problem is caused by dry humid conditions.
- Provide good air flow.
- Allow good spacing between plants.
- Ensure good sun.
- Water in the morning to allow foliage to dry before nighttime.
- Try not to water the foliage itself.
- Remove all plant debris at the end of the season and dispose of it, DO NOT COMPOST powdery mildew affect foliage.
Why do these remedies work ?
Both milk and baking soda increase the pH of the leaf surface, powdery mildew likes acidic conditions.