How to Plant Box Hedging (Buxus)
Planting Buxus (Box Hedging) is fairly easy if you follow a few basic steps.
The key to knowing how to plant box hedging relates to planting distance, and care when planting and immediately after planting.
Buxus is a hardy plant and will tolerate most conditions except waterlogged soils. Having said this for optimum performance we suggest a humus rich well dug soil with some protection from winds especially in the summer.
Planting distance is important if you wish to obtain a nice even hedge. For a low growing dense hedge use 5 plants every metre (20cm centres). Taller hedges can be a at 25 – 30 cm centres
We suggest digging over the ground to be planted 2-3 weeks before planting, adding some well rotted compost and blood and bone.

Select healthy plants of the same size, this makes it easier to space them and eventually prune then.
Place the plants (still in pots) at the desired distance along the planting line and adjust to get a nice even spread.
Make sure plants are well watered in the pot before planting. Plant the box hedging at the same depth as is was in the pot, backfill and water in well using a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
The best time to plant is in early to mid autumn when the soil is still warm. This encourages root growth before winter, and at this time of the year plants will require less watering than if planted in summer.
If planting during warmer months, water well especially during dry periods, but do not allow the buxus plants to become water logged. A slow release fertiliser in early spring is usually adequate.