Although “Black Dahlia” is most commonly associated with the infamous unsolved murder case of Elizabeth Short in 1947 it is the flowering plant that most people are looking for.

Are Their Black Dahlias ?

There are some very dark-colored or “black” dahlias around 10 named varieties are close. However, like all flowering plants non are truely black in colour, just shades of deep burgundy, with some being a deeper shade than others.
The flowers of these “Black Dahlias” differ in colour and also in size and form, so if you are looking for the closest to black be a little careful.
Some, like Dahlia ‘Near Black’, pictured, are more aptly named than other.
So black dahlias are not rare, they are easy to grow, exactly the same way as other dahlias, and will come back every year with proper care.
What do Black Dahlias Symbolise
If you’re looking for symbolism, Black Dahlias are often said to be a symbol of betrayal, but also change and sadness.
And yes the flower given to Wednesday Addams in the series Wednesday is a Black Dahlia.
And the Nevermore Greenhouse in the film is in the Budapest Botanical garden,
Other plants for a ‘Dark Look’ to the garden include:
- Begonia Ferox – Now Ferox means feriocious, and the leaves have spiky cone shaped protuberances on the leaves that are very deep red (so they look black) and these spikes actually have a red tip…. So that’s one for the collection IF you can find it for sale..
- Petunia Black Velvet – Just one of the many very deep burgundy petunias.
- Tacca Chantrier – The Bat Plant and this is the black variety.
- Sundew – Its a carnivorous plant so why not add it to the collection
- Pitcher Plant – Another carnivorous plant.
- Hyacinth Midnight Mystic – Its a really deep purple, not widely available but worth looking for,
- Ghost Orchid it has a ghostly look
- Wolfsbane – The symbol for caution, treachery and danger.
- Viola ‘Molly Sanderson’
- Cosmos atrosanguineus
- Voodoo Lily (Sauromatum venosum
- Helleborus x hybridus (black
Photographs of deep burgundy flowers including dahlias are often deceptive, the same flower will look darker in different light, from different angles and from different distances.