The dilema when selecting a bird feeder is whether to have one at all. Birds feed naturally on insects, nectar etc, and by planting the ‘right bird attracting plants’ you will attract birds to the garden on a seasonal cycle, different birds will come depending on what the garden has to offer.
However with the natual habitat gradually providing less and less feeding oportunity tham some supplementry feeding might be OK and this is where Bird Feeders come in.
As for design, open, easy access, protection from rain (so the seed does not get wet) and forget about paint and stain, probably looks great, but may be toxic. As for PVC, birds eat stuff, they will eat and peck at lots of thing, natural timber is OK, not so sure about birds eating PVC.
Bird Feeders are designed to attract and feed native birds and are a popular addition to many gardens. These feeders need to to be designed to provide birds a safe and easily accessible place for feeding somewhere to obtain supplementary food. Bird feeders are constructed in different ways to suit different birds and feeding habits. Some bird feeders simply supply clean drinking water, others are designed to provide seed and some to provide nectar substitutes.
Types of Bird Feeders and Bird Feeder Design
Ranging from simple trays to bird feeders that will automatically release bird food as it is eaten. Many bird feeding devices have built in water supplies as well.
If you are going to use a bird feeder in the garden who need to ensure that it is kept clean, that the food you use is appropriate and that water is always fresh.
Bird feeders need to be positioned in a safe location so that cats, dogs and other animals can not attack birds while feeding.
An interesting article on building a bird feeder out of timber and then painting it with 3 coats of paint, we would not use paint on a bird feeder.
Look for
- non toxic materials
- the right size feeder for the birds you wish to attract, a King Parrot is a fairly large bird.
- sturdy and supportive
- easy entry and exit
- a stand to lift the feeder off the ground
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