With so many Australians visiting Bali the attraction to Balinese style water features is increasing every year. The traditional Balinese Water wheel with the circular design and internal fountain is one of many popular designs. These come in a range of finishes, including charcoal and white.
Balinese Water Features are available in number of simple designs include the use of the Buddha face or statue. Many of these being small and well suited to smaller gardens.
Designs for Balinese Water Features range include traditional hand carved stone along with many more contemporary designs. Most using stacked stone, glass and Terrazzo (a composite material of quartz, granite or other materials that is cast) are all available for sale online.
From the traditional Buddha, and Balinese Lady styles to unique water walls with modern interpretations of Buddha. Lotus and other figures are also available in Australia.
Simple bowls to tiered arrangements that will add a sense of the Balinese lifestyle to your outdoor area.
Balinese style water features bowls
The Lotus bowl Fire Pit doubles as a water bowl. This one from Bamboo South Coast is a Thick Steel Fire bowl that is available with an Australian made stand. The plant in the bowl is Baloskion tetraphyllum (syn Restio tetraphyllus) or Tassle cord rush, from Tasmania. An excellent plant for growing in water features.
Balinese stone water features

Some designs for Balinese Water Features, such as the stone ‘Spill bowls’ (pictured right) create a peaceful sound of flowing water. This particular style comes in a modular form. This allows placement that can be positioned in a way best suited to the garden design. They also come in different sizes to suit any garden.
As for pumps, a low voltage pump will do the job nicely. Make sure you get the right sized pump for the right height. A solar pump may also be suitable.
Balinese Water Features are available fro sale from the following Online Suppliers
1360 Bolong Road Coolangatta NSW 2535
A range of Balinese style water features for Sydney the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions. Clumping bamboo privacy screens.