A lilac that beautiful white flowers Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Cora Brandt’ comes into bloom in mid to late spring. The flowers of this Lilac variety are very attractive, and nicely fragrant.

Creamy buds give way to the double white flowers, the foliage is a mid green and being a small to medium sized shrub is suited to smaller gardens.
How to Grow Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Cora Brandt’
Reaching around 3m in height and spreading to 2m, this is a shrub best planted where the fragrance can be appreciated.
- Choose a position in full sun to little afternoon shade.
- Plant in a well drained soil.
- Dig some well rotted compost and aged cow manure through the soil before planting.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Prune back by 50% to promote a bushier growth habit.
- Mulch around the plant to maintain a cool moist root run.
- Water regularly through the first summer.
Pruning Lilac ‘Cora Brandt’
Prune immediately after flowering. Remove any old deadwood and then prune to size. Older canes can be removed to reinvigorate the plant.